Study In Australia

The qualification in Australia is recognised globally.

States and Territories

The six states of Australia are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. The two territories are the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), home of the national capital, Canberra that includes Jervis Bay Territory and the Northern Territory.


English is the common language for communication in Australia. Unique colloquial English based dialect that can confuse visitors when they first hear it. From ‘fair dinkum’ to ‘cobber’, this dialect is commonly used throughout the land.


Australia has many world famous landmarks out of which 17 properties are on the world heritage list. Besides the Opera House, Harbor Bridge and the great Ocean Bay, there are a host of other landmarks in the midst of beautiful cities, dramatic cliffs, tranquil bays and the richness of the Australian desert.

The Great Barrier Reef, the Tasmanian wilderness, the wet tropics of Queensland, Shark Bay and Kakdu National Park are the few other places on the world heritage list.

Natural Resources

Australia’s natural resources are fabulous:- bauxite, coal, iron ore, copper, tin, gold, silver, uranium, nickel, tungsten, mineral sands, lead, zinc, diamonds, natural gas, petroleum. This amazing natural wealth, still largely untapped, makes Australia one of the most resource-rich nations on earth.

Australian Studies

Australia has single nationwide system of qualifications known as Australian Qualification Training and Framework. The AQTF ensures that the Australian qualifications are recognized and understood throughout the world.

Australian Universities offer number of specialisation in the fields of Business, Information Technology, Engineering, Biotechnology, Science and Hospitality & Tourism.

Few of the reasons for the demand for Australian Qualification:

  • Australian degrees are Globally recognized
  • Institutions are accredited by the Australian Government
  • Educational standards are excellent with a stimulating academic environment
  • Technical courses are based on industry standards and are used as models for other Asia-Pacific countries
  • Universities receive substantial funding for research from the Government as well as industry
  • Students are allowed to work part-time (20 hrs per week) during semester and full time during vacation
  • A well-defined Career pathway and a better lifestyle

Admission Procedure

To secure an offer, a signed application form with all the relevant documents should be submitted. The faculty at the respective university/institute will take the decision on the student’s application. The universities visit our office to conduct interview and offer spot admissions to the eligible students.

Most of the courses commence twice a year i.e. February and July. Few courses are also offered in November.

Visa Procedure

The documents should reflect the student’s whole history, their genuine intention of study on the required financials. Students may get telephonic interview from the Australian High Commission. Our specialized visa counselors will guide the students in every stage to make sure that there is 100% success.

The Visa officer’s decision is final; Visa process takes a minimum of 8 to 16 weeks.