• Domestic & International Door to Door Courier & Cargo services for lite & heavy shipments.
  • Competitive prices with service quality By Air Cargo, Rail Cargo, and Road Cargo.
  • Reliability, Trustworthiness and customer satisfaction.
  • Flexibility as per customer requirements.
  • Experts in Export Documents and Samples, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial Goods,
    Heavy cargo shipments, Household items, Excess Baggage, Food Item etc.
  • Proper guidance for Paperwork’s & Packing & transit time for Domestic & International shipments.
  • International Courier & cargo service by Branded companies Like DHL, FEDEX, UPS, TNT Etc.
  • Computerized Tracking System With 100% Proof of Delivery.
  • Special cargo rates & Discount for Bulk & Heavy Shipment’s.
  • Export & Import Facility from anywhere in world.
  • Airport to Airport & Door To Door Delivery anywhere in World.
  • One stop Total solutions for all courier & cargo services.